Guangzhou Pan Gaoshou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Sichuan bulb of fritillary (川贝母 chuan bei mu)
· Loquat leaf (枇杷叶 pi pa ye)
The root of platycodon (桔梗 jie geng)
The ripe tangerine peel ( 陈皮 chen pi)
The rhizome of pinellia (半夏 ban xia)
The root of straight ladybell (北沙参 bei sha shen)
The fruit of Chinese magnoliavine ( 五味子)
Tussilago farfara bud (款冬花 kuan dong hua)
Amygdalin (苦杏仁 ku xing ren)
Mint grass (薄荷 bo he)
Sucrose (蔗糖 zhe tang)
Honey (蜂蜜 feng mi)
Cooling heat to moisten the lungs, stop coughing, calm shortness of breath, normalization of Qi circulation dissolving blood stagnation.
Dryness in the lungs with coughing, expectoration of sputum, a feeling of tightness of the chest, pain and itching in the throat, hoarseness.
Per os 1 dose (22 g) 3 times a day. The dosage is reduced for children.
Give up smoking, alcohol, spicy, raw, cold, fatty and oily food.
· The drug is used for dryness in the lungs, which is accompanied by a dry cough, sore throat, dry nose and lips, expectoration of a small amount of thick viscous sputum is difficult to separate.
· In bronchiectasia, lung abscess, pulmonary heart, pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes take under the guidance of a doctor.
If after 1 week of taking the drug does not improve or the symptoms increase, stop taking and consult a doctor.
· If there is a high fever (above 38°C), severe shortness of breath, cough will increase, the amount of expectable sputum will significantly increase, consult a doctor.
Long-term use of the drug requires coordination with the doctor.
· Do not take if allergic to the drug. Take with caution when prone to allergic reactions.
Do not take when changing the appearance and properties of the drug.
Children take under the control of adults.
Keep your medications out of the reach of children.
When taken together with other medicines to consult your doctor.